Friday 8 June 2012

Laundry Time

When at home I get so used to doing laundry daily, but when travelling I tend to do it weekly as a trip to the laundromat can be pricy $8 or more to wash and dry! The fun thing about a trip to the laundromat can be the experience of: 1. Getting there...I have severe map issues-even with google maps! and when I actually get there it is a joyous occasion. 2. Figuring out how to use the machines. Yep they can be different in every country, and the instructions are not always in english. My trick is to watch what others do! Then follow them, if that doesnt work plead ignorance and someone will always help. 3. Praying nothing goes wrong. It has before. In Lyon, France i was at the laundromat and halfway through the wash cycle the whole laundromats power supply went out. I was the only one there!! No staff!! Luckily a customer walked in about 2mins after the power went and spoke to me in french..all I understood was "Weee blahblah" i told him I didnt speak french, luckily he spoke english! He rang someone and within 10mins someone was there and everything was backmon track. 4. Timeout. Things can be so busy and full on while travelling that its nice to take 1-2 hours out where you dont go any where, do anything, you can read, daydream, write, have a coffee and watch the world go by! 5. Be amazed! At how much washing some people have!! I saw a Lady in the states bring in 5 HUGE bags of washing, load them into the machine, then go and get 5 more bags!! I think she did her washing monthly!! 6. Meet the locals :) There have been many great converstations had in the laundromat, the old man in Boston wanting to know all about NZ, an older lady in Rouen practising her english with me and the wonderful ladies in Munich that talked with me and gave me a coffee. They all add to the experience of travel. Todays experience in Sydney is nothing exciting, the machine wouldnt work properly so the guy came out and jiggled the keys to make it work! The world is passing by outside on Elizabeth street and once my washing is done Hubbie and I are heading to Manly for dinner :) Anyway I hope that wasnt too boring! Enjoy the simple things in life, they can bring you the greatest pleasures! I wonder if the dryer will need kicking to get it going??lol Ciao! Janell

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Homemade Laundry Powder & Liquid Soap

Soooo i think i have been turning into a nana! I started making my own laundry powder and liquid soap, and its sooooo easy, makes the house smell sooo good, saves $$$ and works well!
Laundry powder
1 cup washing soda
1 cup baking soda
60mls castile liquid soap ( i used dr bronners got it from the local health store. It can be brought online)
20 drops patcholli essential oil

I wizzed it up in the food processor. If you want to double or triple the recipe dont do it all at once. It is a pain. Trust me!! Do it in batches!!
Will be alittle clay like but is still good.
I use 1 heaped tablespoon per load, highly soiled clothes may need 2!

Liquid soap
1 bar soap grated
10 cups water
2 tablespoons glycerine
Optional ingredients
2 tablespoons castile soap
Few drops of essential oils

Add grated soap to water and heat until soap is melted. Dont try and whisk it just stir gently.
Add glycerine and optional ingredients and stir.take off the heat and leave for up to 24 hours. If it is too thick then warm again and add more water. If too watery add more grated soap
It is trial and error. So far i have used dove and needed to use 2 bars which was good. Then i tried eco soap (2 bars)  and it came out soooo thick i had to water it down heaps! I also blended it which made it nice too.

Anyway hope you have a chance to give it a go sometime. Let me know how you get on!!
Nell xoxo

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Some Days You Just have to sit back and have a coffee

And realise that your pretty lucky.
Not just because you have a great hubbie who wants you to study, run your own business but one that also wants you to be happy and loves me so much.
That you are healthy.
That you have great friends and family that support you, love you and drive you mental.
That you have a roof over your head.
You have clothes to keep you warm.
And food ( and coffee) for your belly.
If you are reading this take a few minutes to think about what you are thankful for. And next time we see you we will have a coffee or beer and be greatful for each others company.
If your round the corner from us or miles away we miss ya!!!

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Blogging on the bus

Its official.
I am a geek.
New gadget allows me to blog anywhere. Right now i am on the bus.
I should be payed by samsung to say how great their latest gadget is (Galaxy Note). It has revolutionized my world.
The only thing is I may have missed my stop...
Have a great week!
Nell xoxoxo

Sunday 19 February 2012

Busy Week!

Hi There
As usual things have been busy round these parts, this last week we have had a few visitors- Uncle Mike, Dewi & Murray over from Oz. Uncle Paul, Aunty Janice & Riki down from Te Puke. And Lisa-poor student came for Lunch ;)

Gabe had his "Going to a Wedding" Haircut :)
Also this weekend my little sister Kim got Married! Kim & Simon were married at the Mission in Napier, and it was a wonderful day. The Bridal party looked amazing, and the reception was filled with lots of laughter, yummy food and lots of good wine..this was followed by dancing and alot of chatting. Even Gabe was dancing! Somehow I lost my shoes so it was a long walk home,and at least this time when I left the Mission I hadn't lost Gabe, and we weren't covered in Red Wine (Remember that one Carl & Casey!!)
This week we are looking forward to a low key week, catching up on work and things round the house. There is not much sewing going on here as my machine is in getting fixed (I think its protesting at being overworked!)
We are thinking of running away for a little holiday before I start back at Massey...where to go???
Have a fun week
Nell xxxxx

Sunday 12 February 2012

We are still Here!!

Hey There!

We are in fact still here, things have been busy and I have not had access to a computer( I now have my one back), just the iPad so blogging sorta went out the window!

Fizz Checking out the New Computer
Over the past few months we have both been busy Gabe is working like crazy and I have been doing quite a few shows and custom orders!  (as well as finally making us our own quilts)

Gabe's PACMAN Quilt!
There has been no travel happening here lately apart from trips to Wellington, Greytown and Napier. And yes we are getting itchy feet. VERY itchy. We are thinking and planning something this year so stay tuned you may be getting a visit from us!
Fizz is doing well, and we are very happy to announce she has her FINAL chemo this week. It has been a long stretch but we are almost there. She has experienced alot of fur loss, but is also beginning to feel alot better and has been catching quite a few birds (and eating them), the odd cicada and even a fly! We cannot wait for when we don't have to take her to the Vets every week! The Vets and Nurses are sad that they will miss out on their weekly cuddles from Fizz, but are also very pleased that she is sooooo much better!
Last week we had a very fun Superbowl party and I made a few YUMMY things, one of the new dishes I made was "Hot Bean Dip", it was so easy to make and everyone loved it...So next time you have a crowd to feed give it a go! Its SOOOOO EASY!

Hot Bean Dip
Hot Bean Dip
1 can of re-fried beans
1 Jar of Salsa (any flavor you like)
Mix the 2 together and mix in chopped chillies or Jalapenos (what ever you can handle- we have about 3 tablespoons and it’s spicy!)
Top with grated cheese and pop in a 180 degree oven for approx 15min until cheese is melted
Top the Bean dip with any of the following (Whatever you like- We like the works!)
Chopped Avocado
Chopped Tomatoes
Chopped Jalapenos
Chopped Olives
Chopped Capsicum
Chopped Spring Onions
Sour Cream
Serve with a big bowl of Corn chips

Any way better go and do some sewing!
I will be back!

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Study, Shows and Miss Fizz!

Hi there
yep things are still going at the crazy hectic pace that we like to call our life!
I have exams over the next couple of weeks and a show in Haumoana so I am stressed to say the least!

Quick Fizz update, she is doing well! Here blood cell count is looking really good and the "R" word has been spoken but we don't want to jinx it yet, so we will wait a little longer... Yesterday she put up such a fight to go into her cage she had all her claws locked into Gabe's Jersey and I had her by the scruff of the neck, we finally got her in. When I got to the vets I told them to watch out as she was very feisty today and sure enough they had to moderately sedate her as she was trying to pull her IV lines out! She was very groggy when she got home and was walking like we do when we have had too much wine! Today she is back to her normal cuddly advetourous self!
Gabe is busy with work- When is he not??  He also brought me a new sewing machine on the weekend as my old one was playing up! (And he didn't like that it was noisy!!)
Any way I better go study!
Take Care
Nell, Gabe & Fizz
Fizz with Cobwebs on her whiskers!

Grouchy Ladybird Quilt going to the show

Sesame Street Quilt going to the show